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    City of Provo

    Provo Municipal Code


    1. Adoption. The Provo City Municipal Council hereby adopts as the City’s storm water systems design, management, and performance standards the following publications:
      1. Provo City Storm Drainage System Design and Management Manual.
      2. Provo City Erosion Control and Storm Water Quality Manual.
      3. Provo City Storm Water Management Program.
      4. Provo City Storm Drain Master Plan.
    The above publications include acceptable BMPs and specific criteria for the performance, design, and maintenance of storm water management systems within the City. The publications may be updated and/or expanded periodically at the discretion of the Public Works Director, or the Director’s designee, based on improvements in engineering, technology, and maintenance experience to meet the minimum standards.

    (Enacted 2014-21, Am 2019-66, Am 2021-27)


    Storm water facilities located on private property shall be the responsibility of the property owner, unless it collects or conveys public storm water. The requirements for this Section apply to all private storm water facilities.

    1. It shall be the sole responsibility of the owner to keep the private storm water facility in good repair, and to perform necessary repairs and maintenance at the owner’s expense. It shall be the responsibility of the owner to, at their own expense, remove floatables, silt, and other debris from the private storm water facility.
    2. It shall be the responsibility of the private storm water facility owner to inspect the private storm water system on an as needed basis, but no less than every other year. The owner shall submit proof of inspections to the City via email at [email protected], and/or use the City provided system ComplianceGo to track and submit inspections. At a minimum, proof of inspection shall include:
      1. The date of inspection.
      2. Name and signature of inspector.
      3. Current ownership information.
      4. A description of the condition of the private storm water facility, including vegetation conditions, sustained ponding, damage or deterioration, and sediment or debris accumulation.
      5. Regular maintenance performed, including frequency.
      6. Repairs and/or special maintenance required for facility to function properly, with deadline and reinspection date to ensure work was completed.
    3. The owner shall grant access to the City to periodically inspect the private storm water facility. Repairs to and maintenance of private storm drains shall be performed by the owner when requested by the City, at the expense of the owner. Should owner fail to make such repairs upon notice by the City, said repairs may be made by the City and the owner shall be billed for the cost and applicable fines.

    (Enacted 2014-21, Ren 2019-66, Am 2020-06. Formerly 18.03.060)


    1. The Public Works Director or the Director’s designee shall the have the right to access any project, subdivision, development, or other land grading activity that is required to submit and implement a SWPPP to ensure compliance with the publications listed in Section 18.03.020, Provo City Code.
    2. The Public Works Director or the Director’s designee shall also have the right to access and inspect post-construction storm water controls on private properties to ensure that adequate maintenance is being performed. In lieu of granting access to the Public Works Director or the Director’s designee, a property owner may submit an annual certification that the storm water controls have been adequately maintained and that said controls are operating as designed to protect storm water quality.

    (Enacted 2014-21, Ren 2019-66, Am 2021-27. Formerly 18.03.070)


    Operators of MS4’s must develop and implement an operation and maintenance program that includes a training component and has the ultimate goal of preventing or reducing storm water from municipal operations.

    The program must include employee training that addresses prevention measures pertaining to municipal operations such as:

    • Parks, golf courses and open space maintenance
    • Fleet maintenance
    • New construction and land disturbances
    • Storm water systems maintenance

    Erosion Control and Storm Water Quality Manual

    Post-Construction Controls

    Implementation of post-construction BMPs (also referred to as permanent BMPs) is critical to storm water quality management. This primarily includes developing strategies to implement a combination of structural and non-structural BMPs to limit or eliminate long-term erosion from the site.

    4.1 Post-Construction BMP’s

    Describe all post-construction storm water management measures that will be installed during the construction process to control pollutants in storm water discharges after construction operations have been completed. Examples of post-construction BMPs include the following:

    • Bio filters
    • Detention/retention devices
    • Earth dikes, drainage swales, and lined ditches
    • Infiltration basins
    • Porous pavement
    • Other proprietary permanent structural BMPs
    • Outlet protection/velocity dissipation devices

    SWPPP Template Instructions

    Slope protection:

    • Vegetated strips and/or swales
    • Identify any applicable federal, state, local, or tribal requirements for design or installation.
    • Describe how low-impact designs or smart growth considerations have been incorporated into the design.
    • For any structural BMPs, you should have design specifications and details and refer to them. Attach them as appendices to the SWPPP or within the text of the SWPPP.
    • For more information on this topic, see your state’s storm water manual.
    • You might also want to consult one of the references listed in Appendix D of the SWPPP Guide.


    City of Provo Stormwater Website

    Utah General Construction (Storm Water): UPDES Permits