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    City of Warner Robins

    The City of Warner Robins has enacted a Stormwater Ordinance in order to establish minimum stormwater management requirements and controls to protect and safeguard the general health, safety, and welfare of the public residing in watersheds within this jurisdiction.  The City of Warner Robins   is the permitting authority for all land disturbing activities and requires the land owner to maintain all on-site stormwater control facilities and all open space areas (e.g. parks or “green” areas) required by the approved stormwater control plan. The City of Warner Robins will only provide construction permits to projects that establish a plan to manage stormwater runoff occurring during the construction process. The City of Warner Robins, under the NPDES program, also has the authority to inspect properties for noncompliance and can issue a notice of violation (NOV) for any deficiency or infraction onsite. Property owners are responsible for the maintenance of any stormwater facilities or practices located on the property. The City of Warner Robins has the authority to inspect stormwater facilities and practices in order to ascertain that they are properly maintained and functioning.

    Stormwater Utility Fee

    Non-residential customers are referred to as non-single family residential (NSFR) customers. NSFR customers have a parcel-specific bill based on how much impervious surface is associated with the parcel. The impervious surface is associated with the parcel. The customer will be billed $4.25 for each 3,000 square foot increment of impervious surface (or portion thereof) per month. For example, if a customer has 63,000 square feet (sf) of impervious surface, the bill will be $89.25 per month (63,000 sf / 3000 = 21 x $4.25 per month).

    Stormwater Utility Fee Credits

    The credit is only applicable for instances where stormwater management best management practices (BMPs) are operated and maintained to reduce the impact of runoff from the subject property on the City’s stormwater management systems or in recognition of activities undertaken by the customer to reduce the cost of operating the stormwater management program (see Water Resources Education Program credits). A maximum of a 50% credit, if applicable, is available for customers. The only exception to this maximum credit is for select educational institutions which may be able to secure additional credits beyond the 50% associated with operation of onsite stormwater controls. This additional credit may be obtained by an owner of property which is used as a site for a public or private school and which agrees to teach an environmental science curriculum that includes an eligible water resources education program at the primary or secondary level, such additional credit potentially being earned as a result of the benefits of such educational program to the community as a whole.

    Basic Procedures

    Most of the credits in this manual require an application, and some of the credit applications require engineering calculations to verify eligibility to receive a credit. The credits associated with engineering calculations are identified in the manual and the credit application forms. The City requires that these calculations be performed, signed, and sealed in accordance with the professional certification provisions outlined herein. The procedure for filing a credit application includes the following tasks:

    • Obtain an application packet from the City.
    • If required by the credit, retain a professional engineer to perform the required analysis.
    • Submit the completed application with all sections appropriately filled out, and all required information contained within or attached to the application.

    The City will review and rule on the eligibility of the credit application within 30 days of receipt of the completed Stormwater Utility credit application. Incomplete packages will not be considered by the City and will be returned to the customer for correction/revision. The decision of the City regarding credit eligibility is final.

    • If the credit application is approved, the City will put the stormwater credit into effect with the next billing cycle.
    • During the credit term, the City has the right to inspect the BMP facility to ensure it is functioning per the design documents and is being properly maintained.
    • At the end of the credit term, the credit will automatically expire. It is the property owner’s responsibility to ensure that an application is made prior to the credit expiring. Reapplication must be made to receive a credit. A new credit application is required at the end of the credit term.

    Design and Implementation

    Any stormwater management system within the City must follow the recommendations and guidelines presented in the City’s Water Resources Protection Ordinance, as well as the LDM. The City’s Water Resources Protection Ordinance. Technical guidance for implementation of the goals outlined therein was incorporated into the ordinance via the LDM by reference.

    Section 2. Credit Policies and Procedures

    Water Resources Ordinance Criteria

    The three treatment levels of the unified stormwater sizing criteria include water quality, channel protection, and flood protection.

    Treatment Level Maximum Available Credit Description
    Water Quality 10% Treat the runoff from 85% of the storms that occur in an average year. Per the GSMM, this equates to providing water quality treatment for the runoff resulting from a rainfall depth of 1.2 inches. Reduce average annual post-development TSS loadings by 80%.
    Channel Protection 10% Provide extended detention of the 1-year storm event released over a period of 24 hours to reduce bankfull flows and protect downstream channels from erosive velocities and unstable conditions.
    Flood Protection 20% Provide extended detention of the 1-year storm event released over a period of 24 hours to reduce bankfull flows and protect downstream channels from erosive velocities and unstable conditions.

    The various options available for providing the desired level of treatment can be found in the Local Design Manual.


    Warner Robins Water Resources Protection Ordinance

    Warner Robins Stormwater Local Design Manual

    Warner Robins Stormwater Compliance Department